Thursday, April 27, 2017

Giving your opinions 

What is your opinion about smart phones?

I think that smart phones are a very useful implement for communication, and in this time is very important for all the areas. 

What is your opinion about women in the military?

I think that is important to include women, because they have the same capacities like men.

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

In my opinion, Chilean politicians are bad catalogued, and they have a big history of faults.  I think it's time to change, to include new people which are not entrepreneurs, people that are not characterised for having money.  

What is your opinion about violence on television?

I honestly feel that violence on television is not a bad thing, but children shouldn't watch it, because is a bad influence for their future. 

What is your opinion about fortune telling? 

In my opinion, I don't believe in fortune telling. I think it's all part of coincidences of life. 

What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?

I think that soap operas are all the same and show the typical chilean's life. It doesn't contribute to the culture. 

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? 

I'm convinced that if Chile legalise marijuana, it would be all the same. Because people use marijuana now, independent of laws. Moreover, sick people would have the opportunity for eliminate pain and have a better life. 

What is your opinion about climate change?

I think the world depend of us, so we have to change ours customs and be more careful about not throwing trash, not contaminate, etc. 

What is your opinion about cloning?

I suppose that cloning it would be one of the biggest steps in science of this century.

What is your opinion about recycling?

I think all of us should have this custom in our lifes. It is very important, because it'd contribute to stop the climate change.

What is your opinion about ''barras bravas''?

I sincerely don't like football, so I don't understand the passion that people have to their teams. 

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think that woman has a decision of her own body. So nobody should decide about keeping or not keeping a baby. 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Your favourite piece of technology

There are many useful pieces of technology today. But I have realized that my favourite is the notebook. I use it all the time, even more than my cell phone. The first notebook I had was mine and my sister's. We used to play a lot of games. Then my sister went to college and she had to use the notebook to work, so my dad bought me one. I used to play and listen to music all day in it.

But times change and the technology too. Today, I use my notebook everyday, is the perfect tool for study, read and search information that I need, and in my free time I watch series and movies. I like it because you can do whatever you want in it. 

I recognize that I depend a lot of my notebook. Firstly, I can't study without it, and if I have physical material for study I use it to listen to music. I can't study in silence. So I think, in my opinion, that my life without the notebook would be difficult for my study life, and also boring. But for people in general I think that it wouldn't be terrible, not at all, because people usually use more the cell phone.

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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why did you study your career?

 Since I was a child, I have been a changing person. When I was five, I wanted to be a dancer, a few years later, teacher. But as time went, I didn't know what I wanted to be, and sincerely, I didn't care, because I was too young to decided my future and be worried about a far future. Then, when I was twelve, I went to a new high school, and I learned a lot of things, knew excellent teachers and persons. That helped to decided my future. So when I was in second grade of high school, I chose the humanist elective program, but a few weeks after that I realized that I liked more the Scientific elective program. I was two years deepening my knowledge about chemistry and math, and I enjoyed that. 
 I realized that my favorite subject was math, and finally, in my last year of high school, I decided to study Chemistry Engineering, and for that I had to study for the PSU test. I was so nervous that year and also tired, because I was in the high school and preparing me for the test. There wasn't much free time. But, as the months went, I was more confident. 

Finally, I had the required score to study Engineering, but I was so confused, because I discovered that I wasn't happy with my decision. With the preoccupation of not know what career choose, my dad presented me to a professor of the Fac. of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, this person told me about how great is the career of Chemistry and Pharmacy. I realized that I wasn't happy with engineering because I like the health area, the investigation, and science.

Now, in my second year, I can affirm that my decision was the best. I like to be in the laboratories although is difficult. I have learn so much of chemistry and have also meet a lot of friends. Besides, the faculty is twenty minutes of my house, so I'm very comfortable there. 

My preoccupations now is study, and study, and more study. I don't know the kind of job I would like to have. Maybe I would like to be in a hospital, maybe in the investigating area, or in a laboratory, I don't know yet. But what I know is I'm happy with my life now, and everything is going great. 

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Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hi, my name is Fernanda Opazo, and I'm nineteen. I live in Renca, Santiago,  with my parents and my dog, Isa. I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Chile. Before that, I went to a high school called Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera, in Santiago. We are five persons in my family, but my brother and sister have an own family and house in Santiago and Coyhaique, respectively. So yes, I'm the youngest of my family.

About my hobbies, I'm always trying to learn different things. So I'm not a person of one only hobby. But actually, I'm on the swimming CFG, and before that, I went to basketball. But, outside of the university's activities I like to run, dance and go out  with my friends. I also like listen to music, go to concerts and the biggest hobby that I have is traveling. I'm always saving money for that and I hope to know all the beautiful places that Latin America has, specially Chile. 

La imagen puede contener: 6 personas, personas sonriendo, exterior

La imagen puede contener: cielo, nieve, océano, exterior y naturaleza