Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Changes to my study programme

Hi, in this blog I have to talk about the things that I would like to change in my study programme.
I'm in the second year of Chemistry and Pharmacy and it is difficult to be part of the first generation that has the new curriculum.

The first thing that comes to mind is to reduce the numer of subjects per semester, this causes most students to collapse and do not understand the contents well. There is no time to study so many things if you want to learn well. Also, everyone has a different rhythm for study. Instead of studying so many subjects in a semester, it would be better to give emphasis to a few.  How could we achieve this? By eliminating ''filling'' subjects, these are, branches that in the long run are useless and are forgotten. This is not a crazy idea, in fact in many European countries, even  in Latin America last less than 4-5 years!

Each faculty should have good infrastructure and tools alike. It should no matter from which university you leave. Many times the infrastructure and the lack of tools in the university affect learning. There are universities that have very small libraries, computers that are practically useless. It is not possible that students should look for other spaces outside the faculty to study.

There should be more seminars to learn and practice than so many exposure classes that sometime do not work, because teachers read the same slides they show. There are many things to change.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in reducing the subjects per semester, it is too much !!!
